Hear from Attendees on Their Key Event Insights

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Industry professionals gathered at the Talent Strategies & IR35 event, sharing valuable perspectives on the current state of talent acquisition and compliance.

Olivia Woodhead on hiring confidence: "The general consensus is that hires are going to be a lot more confident in hiring freelancers. Businesses are overcoming challenges and gaining confidence in bringing freelancers on board. It's great to see this shift in mindset."

Ray Walker on common challenges: "With a significant number of attendees, there's a prevalent theme of similar problems and challenges. Despite the discussions, there's still a level of naivety around the subject matter, highlighting the need for continued education."

Fiona Coombe on addressing compliance concerns: "The event was really useful in bringing together talent acquisition professionals with concerns about IR35. It provided insights into how to bring on the right talent while being compliant, addressing the industry's apprehensions."

Dan de Lord on demystifying IR35: "There are numerous discussions around IR35, but this event focused on demystifying the technical aspects. It's crucial to have conversations that educate and clarify misconceptions, especially as businesses navigate the complex landscape of IR35."

Sam Orrin on proactive measures: "For companies with established processes and understanding of legislation, the event shed light on leveraging advantages. Examples were shared where teams proactively sourced talent and reconstructed contracts, leading to significant cost savings."

Ray Culver on compliance focus: "There's a notable focus on compliance, with discussions highlighting the apprehension and fear surrounding IR35. Education on compliance from the employer's perspective emerged as a key topic, emphasising the importance of doing things the right way."

Sam Brar on industry diversity: "The event brought together people from various industries, sparking insightful debates on best practices. Discussions covered the outlook for the new year and shared experiences across different sectors, providing a holistic view of industry practices."

Dan de Lord on addressing burnout: "Considering that 20% of the population is actively experiencing burnout, creating an environment for sharing insights becomes crucial. Moving forward, it's essential to approach changes in a way that doesn't break people, fostering a healthier work environment."

The event not only showcased the diverse perspectives within the industry but also highlighted the ongoing challenges and opportunities as professionals navigate the evolving landscape of talent acquisition and compliance.

Join Us For a Livestream With Industry Experts Discussing Talent Sourcing Amid IR35

Expect updates on IR35 offset changes and insights into sourcing trends for 2024. Join us for a live Q&A on 7 March 2024. Save the date and sign up for an invitation!